The National University Complex for Biomedical and Translational Research (NUCBTR) is a strategic network of infrastructures for fundamental and translational biomedical research and includes partners from two of the largest medical universities in Bulgaria, the Medical University of Sofia and the Medical University of Plovdiv, as well as a number of hospital and research centers. At the core of the University Complex is the unification of the largest biobanks for the storage of biological material and clinical data in the country.
NUCBTR links existing resources, achieving a critical mass of expertise and technological opportunities, creating conditions for developing research in the field of molecular medicine, genetics and epidemiology in Bulgaria in the post-genomic era. The purpose of creating and developing the University Complex is to accelerate the transition between fundamental research and clinical practice in order to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the most important diseases for society.
Based on the international expert assessment, NUCBTR has been assessed as one of 4 infrastructure complexes, which are nationally significant infrastructures and have the potential to participate in pan-European research infrastructures. MMC and NUCBTR are included in the National roadmap of the scientific infrastructure in Bulgaria from its creation in 2010.

Molecular Medicine Center
CMMI is located predominantly in the Department of Medical Biology.
It is composed by:
Cell Biology Lab equipped with laminar hood, СО2-incubator, inverted microscope, refrigerating centrifuge, ultracentrifuge, ELISA-reader;
Immunohistochemical Lab – paraffin and cryomicrotomes, equipment for cyto- and immunohistochemistry;
Electron Microscopy Lab – electron microscope, ultramicrotome (Department of Pathology).