Year |
Project Name |
Head / Participant from the Bulgaria |
Organization / Contract number or Project |
2015 - until now |
Genetic and Epigenetic Investigations of Human Fetal Brain Development |
PI: Thomas M. Hyde, M.D., Ph.D.; Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
Lieber Institute for Brain Development, USA/ MU of Sofia |
2015 - 2017 |
Nonsidromic Craniosynostosis: Phenotype-genotypic study |
PI: Prof. SimeonBoyadjiev; Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
Boyd, 2R01DE016886-06A1/ subaward 01302757-06 NIDA, California University, Davis, USA/ MU of Sofia |
2014 - 2019 |
Types of Impulsivity in addicted to drugs and stimulants |
PI: Dr. J.Vasileva, PhD; Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
NIDA R01 DA021421, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA/ Bulgarian Institute of Addictions/MU-SofiaМУ-София |
2012 - 2015 |
Collaborative study on genetics of psychiatric disorders |
Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
Cardiff Uniersity, UK, MU Sofia |
2011 - 2014 |
Collaborative Project on Rare Epileptic Syndromes |
PI:Prof. Peter de Jonghe, PhD; Co-PI:Prof. Albena Jordanova, PhD |
EuroEpinomics, Program EUROCORES of European Science Foundation |
2011 - 2014 |
Types of Impulsivity in addicted to drugs and stimulants |
PI: Prof. J. Vasileva, PhD |
University of Chicago, USA |
2010 - 2013 |
Neurocognitive Endophenotypes of Impulsivity in Opiate and Stimulant Users |
Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
No 1R01DA021421-01A2, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), USA |
2009 - until now |
Consortium “ PRostatecancerAssoCiation group To InvestigateCancer Associated aLterationsinthegenome” PRACTICAL |
Principal Investigator of the Bulgarian team PCMUS, Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD |
Consortium PRACTICAL |
2009 - 2014 |
Collaborative Oncological Gene-Environmental Study (COGS) |
PI:Prof. P Hall; Coordinator Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD, |
FP7, aspart of PRACTICAL consortium |
2008 - 2012 |
Molecular biology of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (YARS) mutations associated with peripheral neuropathy |
PI: Prof. Vincent Timmerman; Co-PIs: Prof. Albena Jordanova, Prof. Patrick Callerts |
National Genetics Laboratory and Interuniversity of Antwerp, Belgium |
2007 - 2010 |
Genetic and phenotype study of partial epilepsies in Gypsies |
PI:Prof. L. KalaydjievaI , PhD; coPIs:Prof. I.Turnev , PhD and Prof.Radка Kaneva, PhD |
University of Western Australia |
2006 - 2011 |
Genetic epidemiology of opioid dependence in Bulgaria |
PI:Assoc. Prof. A. Todorov, PhD; coPIs:Prof. I. Kremensky ,MD, PhD and Prof.P.Lazarov |
Washington University School of Medicine; NGL, MU - Sofia and Bulgarian Addictions Institute |
2004 - 2006 |
Molecular Genetics of Dominant Intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathies (DI-CMT) |
Prof. Albena Jordanova, PhD |
National Genetics Laboratory and Interuniversity of Antwerp, Belgium |
2005 - 2007 |
Bipolar Affective Disorder in a Genetic Isolate |
PI:Prof. L. Kalaydjieva, PhD; coPI:Radка Kaneva, PhD |
University of Western Australia |
2004 - 2007 |
Enhancing the capacity of biomedical research in Bulgaria: Molecular Medicine Centre |
Prof. I. Kremensky, MD, PhD - Coordinator |
National Genetics Laboratory, MU - Sofia |
2004 - 2006 |
Identification of the gene for dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type C (DI-CMT C) |
Prof. Albena Jordanova, PhD |
National Genetics Laboratory and Interuniversity of Antwerp, Belgium |
2003 - 2006 |
Genotype – phenotype correlations and identification of the gene for dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type C (DI-CMT C) |
PI:Prof. Dr. Florian Thomas, coPI: Assist. Prof. Dr. Albena Jordanova, PhD |
Department of Neurology, Saint Louis University, USA and National Genetics Laboratory, MU - Sofia |