- Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Leidescher S, Nübler J, Feodorova Y, Hildebrand E, Ullrich S, Bultmann S, Link S, Thanisch K, Dekker J, Leonhardt H, Mirny L, Solovei I. Spatial organization of transcribed eukaryotic genes. bioRxiv 2020.05.20.106591; doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.20.106591 (pre-print)
Dichev V, Kazakova M, Sarafian V. YKL-40 and NSE in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1515/revneuro-2019-0100. (IF=2.157)
Minchev DS, Popov NT , Naimov SI, Minkov IN, Vachev TI. Comparative Expression Analysis of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Elements in Blood Samples of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 2020 (IF 0.343) in press.
Ivanovska M, Abdi Z, Murdjeva M, Macedo D, Maes A, Maes M. CCL-11 or Eotaxin-1: An Immune Marker for Ageing and Accelerated Ageing in Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020;13(9):230. doi: 10.3390/ph13090230 (IF= 4.286)
Lengerova GB, N.A. Radeva, Y.I. Kalchev , M.M. Petrov, Р.T. Komitova, V.S. Levterova, N.S. Korsun, T.V. Kantardjiev, M.A. Murdjeva. Pertussis associated with viral infections in infants. Clinical Case Report Journal 2020 , 2 (4): 1-3 (SJR-0.17, Q3)
Apostolova E, Lukova P, Baldzhieva A, Katsarov P, Nikolova M, Iliev I, Peychev L, Trica B, Oancea F, Delattre C, Kokova V. Immunomodulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Fucoidan: A Review. Polymers (Basel). 2020;12(10):2338.(IF=3.426)
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Murdjeva M. , M. Baleva, M. Ivanovska, E. Naumova, P. Gardjeva. Аutoimmune phenomena and diseases in hereditary angioedema patients. Bulgarian Journal of Clinical Immunology 2020, 13, 1:30-34.
P. Vassilev, A. Petrova, G. Lengerova, Y. Kalchev, M. Ivanovska, M. Murdjeva, M. Stoycheva. Coinfection of the intestinal tract with Aeromonas hydrophila, Clostridium difficile and Rotavirus (A clinical case). Folia Medica 2020 (in press) (SJR-0.87, Q3)
Krasteva N, Keremidarska-Markova M, Hristova-Panusheva K, Andreeva T, Speranza G, Wang D, Draganova-Filipova M, Miloshev G, Georgieva M. Aminated graphene oxide as a potential new therapy for colorectal cancer. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019, vol. 2019, Article ID 3738980, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/3738980. Miloshev G, Staneva D, Uzunova K, Vasileva B, Draganova-Filipova M, Zagorchev P, Georgieva M. Linker histones and chromatin remodelling complexes maintain genome stability and control cellular ageing. Mech Ageing Dev. 2019;177:55-65.
Minchev D, Popov N, Petrov V, Vachev T, Minkov I. Identification of a novel mitochondrial mutation in the cytochrome c oxidase III gene in children with autism spectrum disorder using next-generation RNA-sequencing. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 2019 (под печат).
Гевезова М, Сбирков Й, Сарафян В. Митохондриална дисфункция и аутизъм. Сборник трудове „Мултифасетна конференция за детско развитие“. 2019 (под печат).
Сарафян В. Аутизъм и апоптоза. В: Психопатология. Казуси – втора част, Ред. Н. Маджирова, Изд. Лакс бук, 2019, ISBN:978-619-189-121-4 МОНОГРАФИЯ
Mutafchieva M, Draganova-Filipova М, Zagorchev P, Tomov G. Oral Lichen Planus – known and unknown: a review. Folia medica. 2018; 60(4):528-535.Mutafchieva MZ, Draganova-Filipova MN, Zagorchev PI, Tomov GT. Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy on Erosive-atrophic Oral Lichen Planus. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2018;60(3):417-424.
Feodorova Y, Tashkova D, Koev I, Todorov A, Kostov G, Simitchiev K, Belovejdov V, Dimov R, Sarafian V. Novel insights into transcriptional dysregulation in colorectal cancer. Neoplasma. 2018;65(3):415-424.
Sarafian V. MD vs PhD – skills vs ego or why a medical doctor has to be a PhD. Editorial Article. Int J Surg Med. 2017; 3, 1.
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Коларова T, Хаджиали И, Докова М, Александров В. Природонаучната грамотност на учениците в началото на XXI век – в търсене на концептуално единство. Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education. 2017;26(2):171–215.
Феодорова Я. Ядрена организация на генома. 2017. ISBN 978-619-202-253-2 (монография).
Пиличева. Б., М. Драганова. Лекaрствени носители във фокуса на таргетната терапия. 2017. ISBN 978-619-186-365-5 (монография).
Alexandrov VP, Naimov SI. A Prospectus of Tenomodulin. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2016;58(1):19-27.
Mitarcheva I, Sarafian V. Military and music metaphors in immunology. Int J Knowledge. 2016; 1363-1368.
Terziyski D, Alexandrov V, Tzafkova V. Investigation of the zooplankton and the chlorophyll а level in Dospat dam. Seminar of Ecology – 2016 with international participation, Proceedings 21-22 April 2016, 153-159.
Tosheva A, Sarafian V. Changing the interrelationship of communicative competence components in the training of French for medical purposes. International Journal Scientific Papers. 2016. Vol. 13.2, pp. 225-229. ISSN 1857-92.
Сарафян В. Докторантурата – задължение, потребност, его или триумф? В : Пътеводител за докторанти. Ред. В. Сарафян и С. Костянев, МУ-Пловдив, 2016, стр. 7-13. ISSN 978-619-7085-65-5.
Сарафян В. Литературната справка или цената на информацията. В : Пътеводител за докторанти. Ред. В. Сарафян и С. Костянев, МУ-Пловдив, 2016, стр. 14-23. ISSN 978-619-7085-65-5.
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Feodorova Y, Koev I, Sarafian V. Gene expression in glioma – in search for novel biomarkers for determining the grade of malignancy. Science & Youth. 2013, 159-163.