Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and Minister of Education and Science Prof. Nikolay Denkov visited the Molecular Medicine Center and the Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Medical University in Sofia. They are part of the National University Complex for Biomedical and Translational Research (NUCBTR), which includes infrastructures for fundamental and applied biomedical research from the medical universities in Sofia and Plovdiv.
At MU-Sofia, Prime Minister Yanev and Minister Denkov visited two laboratories equipped with several platforms for Next Generation Sequencing, including the most powerful instrument for whole exome and whole genome sequencing, unique for Bulgaria.
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Education and Science also visited the Laboratory for Analysis of Biologically Active Substances and the Metabolomics Sector, the Biobanking and Bioinformatics Sectors.
MU-Sofia will receive support from the state for the generation of the first 1000 genomes, with which Bulgaria will participate in the project "Genome of Europe" in connection with the initiative "1+ million European genomes" (1 + MG). The money will be provided within the National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure 2017-2023, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.